Jenny - The Divine Roll of Motherhood
Hi, my name is Jenny! I am a wife and mother of 3 beautiful kids. I LOVE being a mom! However, the journey of starting a family isn't for the faint of heart! My husband and I believed it was time and started trying for a baby in October of 2009. Come December it seemed like everyone was expecting except for us. Living in a college apartment complex full of newly weds pregnant bellies surrounded me. In February we took our first test that showed positive, and were teary with excitement, only to miscarry about a week later. In July we were pregnant again, and for the second time it was gone. Going through something as devastating as miscarriage was even harder the second time around, and I was led to question...What are we doing wrong? Isn't this a righteous desire? Aren't we ready? I just kept looking for the lesson in all of the pain, and longing. The lessons learned continue to carry me through the struggles of motherhood. Sometimes life hu...